IS38 Wastegate Settings

10 min read

IS38 Wastegate Settings

10 min read

When installing a new IS38 turbocharger, it's possible the ECU will throw a fault code stating there's an issue with the wastegate. This is normal since the turbo uses an electronic wastegate, which must have known ranges of motion by the ECU. If the wastegate setting is too tight or too loose, the test will not pass, and will result in a fault code. To avoid this situation, APR suggest doing the following:

1 - Unbox the turbo.
2 - Loosen the jam nut on the actuator rod.
3 - Turn the rod until the wastegate door is loose. When it's loose, it will wiggle freely.
4 - Slowly turn the rod to tighten the wastegate until the moment it makes contact with the turbine housing. When this happens, the wastegate will no longer wiggle freely. Don't tighten it further.
5 - Using a marker, draw a line on the actuator rod.
6 - Using the line a reference, turn the rod one and a half times, tightening the wastegate.
7 - Tighten the jam nut.
8 - Install the turbo and plug in the wastegate.
9 - Leave the turbo accessible if further adjustment is needed below.
10 - Flash the ECU with APR's IS38 ECU Upgrade.
11 - Plug a VCDS (Vag-Com) cable into the OBDII port.
12 - Turn on the ignition, but don't start the engine.
13 - Open the VCDS Program.
14 - Click "select" under "Select Control Module."
15 - Click "01-Engine."
16 - Click "Basic Settings - 04."
17 - Select "First adaptation of charge pressure actuator" from the drop down menu.
18 - Click "Go."
19 - The test will run shortly but for no more than 10 seconds, and the wastegate will make a high pitched noise.
20 - If the test was not successful, and listed a failure or abortion of the test, attempt loosening the rod 0.1 turns and try the test again.
21 - VCDS will say "Finished correctly" if the test was successful.
22 - Continue installing the turbocharger system, and enjoy the APR ECU Upgrade!

Thank you for choosing APR!


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