European Experience 2016

10 min read

European Experience 2016

10 min read

The European Experience 2016 Exceeds Expectations

What a weekend! We went into the weekend not knowing what to expect being a first year event, but left excited and ready for next year. Matthew Bounds and his crew at Sowo Partners moved the popular Southern Worthersee event from Helen, GA to a new event called “The European Experience” in Savannah Georgia, and it went off without a hitch. The two-day event was a welcomed refresh filled with friendly faces in an exciting new location with an excellent post-event night life in downtown Savannah.

We offered APR ECU and TCU upgrades at the event, as we do at nearly all events we attend, and we nearly doubled our flash count from years past at SOWO. We want to thank every customer who partook in the sale, and want to thank all those who stopped by to talk shop and shoot the breeze. Last but not least, we want to thank Matt Bounds and the SOWO Partners crew for putting on an amazing show we’re excited to attend next year.

Take a moment to view a few photos we grabbed at the event, and see you next year!



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