B8 A4 2.0 TFSI Race DP Released!

10 min read

B8 A4 2.0 TFSI Race DP Released!

10 min read

Race DPAPR’s 3 inch Race DP with high flow catalyst for the A4 2.0 TFSI is the first true Race DP for the A4 and the only one that incorporates traditional exhaust performance tuning for the new 2.0 TFSI engine. Other 2.0 TFSI engine applications outside of the A4 chassis have historically enjoyed the following benefits that have never before been made available to A4 owners:

  • 3 inch Exhaust Tubing Diameter beginning at the Turbocharger Exit for Maximum Turbocharger Spool and Peak Horsepower
  • Relocation of the Catalyst to Reduce Backpressure and Turbulent Airflow at the Turbocharger
  • Incorporation of a 200 Cell Count Catalyst to aid in Turbocharger Spool and Remove Restriction
  • Considerable Increases in Peak Horsepower, Peak Torque and Fuel Economy

APR is proud to offer the only true 3 inch full length Race DP available for the 2.0 TFSI A4 which delivers true exhaust Performance Without Compromise.

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