APR Presents TT RS EMCS Program Switching!

10 min read

APR Presents TT RS EMCS Program Switching!

10 min read

Product Page

APR’s Patented EMCS Program Switching is now available for the TT RS platform expanding upon the market’s best solution for TT RS performance upgrades. APR EMCS adds additional features to the APR ECU Upgrade allowing customers to cycle through programs and features from the driver seat, all without any additional hardware. With this upgrade, it’s easy to switch between the vehicle’s original software, an APR valet program designed to limit the vehicles performance and several APR octane specific performance programs designed to safely extract more power depending on fuel quality. There are no tricks, multipliers or other gimmicks; each map is a completely new calibration specific to each octane’s performance capabilities!

Beyond performance alone, APR EMCS adds additional functionality to the factory ECU. The Security Lockout feature prevents changing programs or accessing other features without entering a unique password. Fault Code Erase allows for quick fault code clearing without ever needing to plug in a laptop or other fault code-reading device. Lastly, APR’s Anti-Theft feature can protect your TT RS from theft by disabling use of the vehicle’s accelerator pedal without entering a user-defined password.

All of this takes place from the driver seat using the factory cruise control stalk. With the engine off, the stalk’s SET button is used to cycle through programs while the RESUME button is used for other features. With the engine started, the stalk continues to operate like normal.

APR’s EMCS Program Switching is now available at all stages.

For more information on our TT RS Product line, please visit our product pages:

Thank you and as always, GO APR!


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