Euro Spec MK8 GTI and MK4 S3 at APR USA!

10 min read

Euro Spec MK8 GTI and MK4 S3 at APR USA!

10 min read

Our new European Spec VW GTI (MK8) and Audi S3 (8Y/MK4) Hatchback are here! We imported both of these from Germany and shipped them on over for development. We've spent the past few months working with APR Deutschland / Stoll Automotive to begin development on both vehicles, including fitting many of our existing parts. Some fit, some will fit, some required modification, and some are a total ground up project, but we're deep into it already. Stay tuned for this exciting new platform! We're really excited to see where we can take the new 2.0T EA888 Gen 4 engines! And if you haven't already, catch our live review of the cars here:

Watch the live video here


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